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Autor/inn/enZion, Shelley; Sobel, Donna M.
TitelMapping the Gaps: Redesigning a Teacher Education Program to Prepare Teachers for Inclusive, Urban U.S. Schools
QuelleIn: Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 15 (2014) 2, S.63-73 (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterTeacher Education Programs; Educational Change; Inclusion; Teacher Competencies; Urban Schools; Mainstreaming; Regular and Special Education Relationship; Student Diversity; Social Influences; Cultural Influences; Positive Attitudes; Cooperation; Culturally Relevant Education; Teacher Attitudes; Student Needs; Elementary Secondary Education; College School Cooperation; Focus Groups; Student Attitudes; Administrator Attitudes; Principals; Parent Attitudes; Coding
AbstractAs part of the process of redesigning an integrated general and special teacher education program to prepare candidates to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students, researchers engaged a series of focus groups with current candidates, recent graduates, and partner school personnel. Data presented in this paper identified the gaps uncovered through the research process in the understanding of participants along a framework of necessary skills for teachers working in urban and diverse communities: socio cultural, affirmative attitudes, collaboration skills, and diversity pedagogy. Initial analysis indicated three emerging themes in responses: a deficit based understanding, an ability to identify gaps in knowledge and skills, and an emerging awareness of issues. Results of this analysis were used to guide the redesign of the integrated teacher education program. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInternational Association of Special Education. c/o College of Education, Northern Arizona University, P.O. Box 5774, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5774. Tel: 928-523-8979; Fax: 928-523-1929; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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