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Autor/inn/enTerrell, Jenna; Roldan-Rueda, Diana; Estacion, Angela; Joy, Lois
InstitutionWestEd; JFF (Jobs for the Future)
TitelWho Participates in Community College STEM Work-Based Learning? An Exploratory Analysis of Florida Community College Students
Quelle(2022), (55 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity College Students; STEM Education; Work Experience Programs; Student Participation; Student Characteristics; Gender Differences; Racial Differences; Educational Attainment; Credentials; Predictor Variables; Florida
AbstractResearch suggests that high-quality work-based learning (WBL) can be a promising approach to solving the leaky pipeline for undertapped demographic groups such as women and students of color, including for STEM fields Community colleges are especially important vehicles for WBL due to their diverse student populations and their partnerships with employers and industries. This study explores participation in STEM WBL in Florida community colleges. We focus on internships and cooperative education courses and participation rates among STEM and non-STEM WBL as well as across different demographic groups. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenWestEd. 730 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107-1242. Tel: 877-493-7833; Tel: 415-565-3000; Fax: 415-565-3012; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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