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Autor/inn/enHassani, Fahimeh; Seker, Faruk Salih; Malekabadizadeh, Zahra
TitelIran-Turkey Comparison in Concerning the Rights and Needs of Children with Disabilities
Quelle9 (2022) 12, S.186-201 (16 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Hassani, Fahimeh)
ORCID (Seker, Faruk Salih)
ORCID (Malekabadizadeh, Zahra)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Childrens Rights; Students with Disabilities; Student Rights; Equal Education; Cultural Differences; Disability Identification; Diagnostic Tests; Access to Health Care; Access to Education; Educational Legislation; Special Education; Preschool Education; Institutional Characteristics; Elementary Secondary Education; Home Programs; Hospitalized Children; Special Schools; Inclusion; Services; Civil Rights; Iran; Turkey
AbstractRaising a child with a lifelong disability requires time, attention, and the development of skills to assist the child to be healthy and participate in usual childhood activities. Caring needs may include providing medical care, education, and support. The study aimed to determine the educational system and support systems for children with disorders in Iran and Turkey and to establish the similarities and differences between these two countries. The research is a descriptive method that consonant with the nature and type of study, which a comparative study is, has been done in four stages description, interpretation, proximity, and comparison. This study analyzed the national education system of Turkey and the Iranian educational system. The data was collected through a checklist that included different data on various dimensions studied. The researchers collected the data via correspondence, the Internet, and books. Data collection was in line with the designed questions. The results of this study are as follows: the two countries are somewhat similar in terms of various financial, cultural, and educational support. But the crucial point of this research is to identify people with the disorder and the educational method. In Turkey, children are identified and referred to the relevant organization from birth and are monitored and controlled from then on. The children would be recognized from delivery in Iran, but screening children before joining the school is at the age of six. The study approved that Turkey's education system is more coordinated than Iran, as once a child is diagnosed with a disorder, the children's education initiates and, the children take re-assessment tests every year, and based on the results of these tests, skills which there is a defect and what needs to be done is written. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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