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Autor/inn/enGoldrick-Rab, Sara; York, Travis; Cady, Clare; Baker-Smith, E. Christine
TitelCompletion Grants: A Multi-Method Examination of Institutional Practice
Quelle(2020), (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterPublic Colleges; Graduation; Grants; Student Financial Aid; College Students; Program Implementation; Eligibility; College Administration; Program Design; Arizona; Florida; Ohio; North Carolina (Charlotte); Virginia (Richmond); Indiana (Indianapolis)
AbstractPurpose: Public universities are intent on increasing degree completion for many reasons. A stronger policy focus on completion and interest in removing students' financial hurdles has led to a rapid proliferation of completion grant programs. This paper reports on a mixed method implementation study of completion grant programs at seven broad- and open-access universities. We consider how the implementation of completion grant programs vary and how these variations are associated with administrative burden. Methods: Drawing on case studies of completion grant programs and student surveys, we examine the work of the administrators and professionals who create and implement these programs. Results: We analyze the drivers of variation in administrative burden, and describe model elements for administering completion grants that aim to minimize administrative burden and maximize efficacy. Implications: As it can diminish program efficacy and increase inequality, we pay particular attention to administrative burden for staff and students. [This paper will be published in the "Journal of Student Financial Aid."] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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