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Autor/inn/enDuke-Benfield, Amy Ellen; García, Rosa; Walizer, Lauren; Welton, Carrie
InstitutionCenter for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
TitelDeveloping State Policy That Supports Low-Income, Working Students
Quelle(2018), (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterState Policy; College Students; Well Being; Student Needs; Nontraditional Students; First Generation College Students; Adult Students; Immigrants; Minority Group Students; Higher Education; Educational Policy; Graduation; Success; Student Diversity; Student Employment; Child Rearing; Barriers; Low Income Students; Job Skills; Employment Qualifications; Equal Education; Student Financial Aid; Planning; Student Personnel Services; Family Needs; Change Strategies
AbstractStudents and state policymakers clearly understand how important postsecondary education is to financial wellbeing and state economic productivity. Those with associate or bachelor's degrees earn 31 percent and 77 percent more, respectively, than people with a high school diploma. College graduates are less likely to be unemployed. Typical college students are no longer 18- to 22-year-olds from middle-class families who attend full-time and can depend on their parents. Indeed, such traditional students now make up just a third of the college population. Today's college students are increasingly low-income, working adults balancing work, family, and school. These students are also more likely to be first-generation attenders, immigrants, and students of color pursuing dreams of better jobs, higher incomes, and more stability for their families. State higher education policies, however, have not adapted to this new reality. The existing system often fails adult students since only two in five students who begin at a public two-year college earn a certificate or an associate or bachelor's degree within six years. What these students lack is access to essential supports such as high-quality advising, flexible financial aid, and child care subsidies that can help them complete their education. This paper lays out an action framework that the higher education leaders, nonprofit advocates, state policymakers, and postsecondary students who gathered during an April 2018 roundtable agree are needed to support the educational success of low-income working students, particularly students of color. It also examines how states must expand their policies beyond the traditional postsecondary landscape to acknowledge the complexity of these students' lives. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCenter for Law and Social Policy. 1015 15th Street NW Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005. Tel: 202-906-8000; Fax: 202-842-2885; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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