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Autor/inn/enFitzallen, Noleine; Wright, Suzie; Watson, Jane; Duncan, Bruce
TitelYear 3 Students' Conceptions of Heat Transfer
Quelle(2016), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterElementary School Students; Elementary School Science; Knowledge Level; Heat; Thermodynamics; Scientific Concepts; Foreign Countries; STEM Education; Science Process Skills; Structural Elements (Construction); Australia
AbstractMany children and adults have problems differentiating between heat and temperature. As a consequence, intuitive notions developed about the transfer of heat and other thermal concepts do not align with scientific explanations of the phenomena. These notions are formed as alternative conceptions, which are resistant to change and persist as children progress through school. In order to develop teaching interventions that challenge children's thinking it is necessary to determine the potential alternative conceptions developed early in life. Embedded within the context of a STEM research project, the study reported in this paper explored Year 3 students' conceptions about heat transfer and the properties of insulation after they had worked through an experiment that required them to collect data to determine the effect of insulation on the transfer of heat. The students were interviewed and the transcripts were interrogated to identify the instances when the students demonstrated their conceptions of thermal concepts. The aim was to determine the way in which the students related their conceptions of heat transfer and insulating properties of materials to the context of the experiment and to every day experiences. Excerpts from the student interviews are used to illustrate the range of understanding expressed by the students. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAustralian Association for Research in Education. AARE Secretariat, One Geils Court, Deakin ACT 2600, Australia. Tel: +61-2-6285-8388; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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