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Autor/inMahoney, John J.
InstitutionDepartment of the Interior, Bureau of Education (ED)
TitelAmericanization in the United States. Bulletin, 1923, No. 31
Quelle(1923), (45 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcculturation; Immigrants; Cultural Differences; State Legislation; Educational Methods; Financial Support; Educational Finance; Teacher Education Programs; Citizenship Education; Adult Education; English (Second Language); Second Language Learning; Access to Education; Industry; State Programs; California; Connecticut; Delaware; Massachusetts; New York; Ohio; South Dakota
AbstractSince 1915, when the Americanization "movement" came into being, the American people have joined dozens of Americanization societies, listened to hundreds of people who declaimed Americanization, and read thousands of dissertations, wise and otherwise, on the same theme. For several years past, Americanization movements have been promoted both genuine and spurious, with equal zeal. It has been a period of much idle talk, much earned endeavor, and some accomplishment, especially within the past two years. This report, deals specifically with the past two years. It seems to be a hopeless prospect to attempt the reporting of what has been done across the country in the broad field of Americanization during the past two years. Happily, the scope of this report is to relate advances, that have been made in the schooling of the foreign born. Contents include: (1) Definitions and preliminary considerations; (2) A few fundamental principles and policies; and (3) What some of the States have done. Appended are: (1) The Plymouth agreement; (2) Americanization law--Massachusetts; (3) Americanization law--Ohio; (4) The California statute (1913); and (5) A few significant statistics. [Footnote numbers are illegible, and have been omitted from the abstract. Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenBureau of Education, Department of the Interior.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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