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InstitutionUS Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
TitelGuide to Operating and Maintaining EnergySmart Schools
Quelle(2010), (64 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Educational Facilities Design; Energy Conservation; Energy Management; Program Implementation; Reference Materials; Efficiency; Guides; Educational Facilities Improvement; Program Development; Best Practices; Design Requirements; Check Lists; Educational Facilities Planning; School Buildings
AbstractThe guide allows users to adapt and implement suggested O&M (operating and maintaining) strategies to address specific energy efficiency goals. It recognizes and expands on existing tools and resources that are widely used throughout the high-performance school industry. The guide is organized into the following sections: (1) Chapter 1: Identifying Energy Savings and Getting Started introduces enhanced O&M practices to increase energy efficiency. This chapter describes the essential steps to immediately improve O&M for novice facility managers and schools with limited resources; (2) Chapter 2: Developing and Implementing an Energy Management Plan describes advanced steps necessary for integrating energy-focused O&M into renovations, curriculum, and business planning. This chapter is intended for advanced readers and schools with better access to financial and staffing capabilities; (3) Chapter 3: Technical Considerations is a reference chapter that details O&M best practices compiled from numerous sources. This resource is appropriate for all levels of experience; and (4) EnergySmart Schools O&M Action Plans contain customizable take-away checklists for all users to begin planning and implementing energy-focused O&M. Appendices include: (1) Additional Questions for Staff During Initial Data-Gathering; (2) ENERGY STAR[R] Portfolio Manager and K-12 School Data Input; (3) Energy Report Card for Presenting Audits and/or Benchmarking Results; (4) Detailed Energy Management Strategies to Support Making the Business Case and O&M Program Implementation; (5) Energy Policy Examples; (6) Elements to Consider During the Development of Energy Management Policies, Procedures, or Plans; (7) High-Performance School O&M Barriers and Solutions; (8) Detailed Critical Factors for Implementing Advanced O&M Management; (9) U.S. Green Building Council Template for Building Operating Plan for Schools; and (10) Additional Resources. (Contains 5 tables, 3 figures, and 33 footnotes.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUS Department of Energy. 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585. Tel: 800-342-5363; Fax: 202-586-4403; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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