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Autor/inMcCoy, Mary Helen S.
TitelBlock Scheduling: Does It Make a Difference? A High School Case Study.
Quelle(1998), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Block Scheduling; Educational Environment; Flexible Scheduling; High Schools; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; Public Schools; Rural Schools; Time Factors (Learning)
AbstractTo offer insights into scheduling strategies, this paper presents the effects of block scheduling in one rural public secondary school. This case study revolves around three questions: (1) "What prompted the school's move to block scheduling?"; (2) "How was block scheduling implemented?"; and (3) "How has block scheduling affected perceptions of school climate, academics/instruction, and time/materials management for students, teachers, administrators, and guidance personnel?" Interviews were conducted at the school with students, teachers, and administrative/counseling personnel. Results revealed several themes: block scheduling helped students feel more empowered about learning, and teachers reported more empowerment in their instructional role. More assigned homework was being completed, and teachers indicated satisfaction about the demands on their time. Findings indicate that block scheduling basically benefited all students equally, regardless of ability level, attitude toward school, and degree of school success. Students' tardiness decreased and their management of books, materials, and schoolwork improved. The report suggests that supports--materials and supplies--must be provided for the ongoing success of block scheduling. (Contains 13 references.) (RJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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