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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionKansas Action for Children, Inc., Topeka.
TitelKansas Kids Count Data Book, 1997. A Project of Kansas Action for Children.
Quelle(1997), (185 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Adolescents; Birth Weight; Child Custody; Child Health; Child Safety; Child Support; Children; Day Care; Demography; Drinking; Dropout Rate; Drug Use; Early Parenthood; Educational Attainment; Elementary Secondary Education; Family (Sociological Unit); Infant Mortality; Infants; Mortality Rate; One Parent Family; Prenatal Care; Preschool Education; Social Indicators; State Surveys; Statistical Surveys; Violence; Welfare Recipients; Well Being; Kansas
AbstractThis Kids Count data book profiles the status of children in Kansas, based on 17 indicators of well being. The indicators are grouped into four areas: (1) economic well-being--births to single teens, children approved for free school meals, and children receiving economic assistance; (2) physical health and safety--child death rates, infant mortality rates, births with early prenatal care, kindergartners fully immunized by age two, and low birth weight babies; (3) childhood care and education--Head Start participation, child care availability, high school graduate post-secondary education, births to mothers with less than a high school degree, and high school graduation rates; and (4) emotional well-being--teen violent death rates, out-of-home placement, youth alcohol use, and children in grades 5 through 12 who have used drugs other than alcohol. Section 1 of the report is comprised of tables and graphic displays detailing findings for each indicator on a county and statewide basis. Part 2, the bulk of the report, is comprised of statistics for each county listed alphabetically, a graphic and narrative description of changes over time, and demographic information. The overall finding is one of small but significant improvements in most of the indicators, especially the reduction in the childhood death rate and teen violent death rate. Concerns highlighted include the number of infants born to single teens, the number of school age children eligible for free school meals, and the amount of alcohol use among youth. Appendices discuss the selection of indicators and data sources. (KDFB)
AnmerkungenKansas Action for Children, Inc., 715 SW 10th Street, Topeka, KS 66612 ($13, plus $2 shipping).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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