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Autor/inn/enBathory, Zoltan; Leimu, Kimmo
InstitutionJyvaskyla Univ. (Finland). Inst. for Educational Research.
TitelFinnish and Hungarian Education Compared: Selected Issues of Mutual Interest. Institute for Educational Research Publication Series B. Theory into Practice 87.
Quelle(1994), (126 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Academic Standards; Achievement Tests; Admission (School); Comparative Education; Cross Cultural Studies; Curriculum Evaluation; Educational Assessment; Educational Environment; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; International Education; National Competency Tests; Performance; Finland; Hungary
AbstractThis monograph represents an attempt to deepen the understanding of educational contexts and practices in Hungary and Finland, to shed some light on findings in multi-national studies, and to serve general information interests. The study documents observations about the Finnish educational scene in late 1992, although the situation has changed some since. The report discusses historical and structural aspects of the two societal and educational systems, identifying issues of fundamental concern, particularly in the field of curriculum. The role, content, and organization of the matriculation examination in Finland are given special attention, while these are perceived as embodiments of national educational ideals. Using the research experience common to both, characteristic student achievement profiles, as well as between-school and gender differences are compared in the two countries, noting the different emphases in their humanistic versus scientific-technical concerns. This expands into a review of the respective systems of assessment, where both countries have obvious needs for development. The volume contains the following sections: (1) "Introduction"; (2) "School Structure, School Types"; (3) "Curriculum Issues"; (4) "Matriculation Examination"; (5) "Effectiveness of the Respective Systems of Education"; (6) "Systems of Educational Evaluation"; (7) "Bibliography"; and (8) "Appendix." (EH)
AnmerkungenInstitute for Educational Research, University of Jyvaskyla, PB 35 (Yliopistonkatu 9), FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla, Finland (52 Finnish markka)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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