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Autor/inn/enSchroeder, Charles C.; Mable, Phyllis
TitelRealizing the Educational Potential of Residence Halls. Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series.
Quelle(1994), (336 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Achievement; Civics; College Housing; College Role; College Students; Colleges; Curriculum; Dormitories; Educational Environment; Educational Facilities; Experiential Learning; Group Experience; Higher Education; Integrated Activities; Living Learning Centers; Residential Colleges
AbstractThis book addresses the need for integrating students' formal academic experiences with their informal out-of-class life in their residence halls. Organized in three parts, Part 1 focuses on the role of residence halls in educating students. Part 2 describes a variety of initiatives for promoting student learning in college residence halls. Part 3 describes ways of demonstrating the educational impact of college residence halls. Individual chapters are as follows: (1) "Residence Halls and the College Experience: Past and Present" (Charles C. Schroeder; Phyllis Mable); (2) "The Impact of Residential Life on Students" (Ernest T. Pascarella et al.); (3) "Creating a Context for Educational Success" (Richard Stimpson); (4) "Achieving Curricular Objectives Through Residence Halls" (John D. Welty); (5) "Guerrilla Education in Residential Life" (Arthur Levine); (6) "Creating Campus Climates That Foster Learning" (George D. Kuh); (7) "Connecting Residence Halls to the Curriculum" (Elizabeth J. Whitt; Elizabeth M. Nuss); (8) "Developing Learning Communities" (Charles C. Schroeder); (9) "Helping Students Understand and Appreciate Diversity" (Marvalene Hughes); (10) "Increasing Student Involvement through Civic Leadership Education" (Susan R. Komives); (11) "Integrating Living and Learning in Residential Colleges" (Terry B. Smith); (12) "New Perspectives for Assessing the Residential Experience" (David H. Kalsbeek); (13) "Realizing the Educational Potential of Residence Halls: A Mandate for Action" (Charles C. Schroeder; Phyllis Mable). Includes name and subject indexes. Individual chapters contain references. (JB)
AnmerkungenJossey-Bass Inc., 350 Sansome St., San Francisco, CA 94104 (ISBN-0-7879-0018-4; $34.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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