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InstitutionCollege of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL.
TitelCollege of DuPage Information Technology Plan, Fiscal Year 1994-95.
Quelle(1994), (123 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Colleges; Computer Centers; Computer Oriented Programs; Computer Software Selection; Information Systems; Information Technology; Teleconferencing; Two Year Colleges; User Needs (Information); User Satisfaction (Information)
AbstractBuilding upon four previous planning documents for computing at College of DuPage in Illinois, this plan for fiscal year 1995 (FY95) provides a starting point for future plans to address all activities that relate to the use of information technology on campus. The FY95 "Information Technology Plan" is divided into six sections, each providing an overview, definition, and lists of major issues, goals, and recommendations. The sections of the report focus on: (1) the planning process, which describes four surveys (i.e., the Student, Faculty, Administrative Departmental, and Academic Departmental Surveys) used to gather information on the college's computing needs; (2) academic computing, including information on student and faculty computer usage, the equipment in student labs, and faculty and student recommendations; (3) administrative computing, including the information processing services of payroll, personnel, general ledger, accounts payable and receivable, purchasing, student registration and records, financial aid, inventory, word processing, and management information system; (4) central computing, including centralized support for hardware, software, and staffing in mainframe and departmental computing and support for the campuswide data networks supporting academic and administrative computing; (5) telecommunications, which describes a proposed system to improve voice, video, and data communications on campus; and (6) financial considerations, which estimates the cost of each recommendation in the previous sections, excluding the telecommunications plan. The bulk of the report consists of appendixes which include additional information on the college and the planning process, a list of the college's academic computing labs, a catalog of administrative applications, a list of department requested applications, and a financial worksheet. (KP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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