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Autor/inRockman, Saul
TitelLearning from Technologies: A Perspective on the Research Literature.
Quelle(1992), (45 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Literacy; Adult Reading Programs; Adult Students; Audiovisual Instruction; Computer Uses in Education; Cost Effectiveness; Educational Technology; Educational Television; Instructional Effectiveness; Interactive Video; Literature Reviews
AbstractFor this paper, prepared as an input to an ongoing assessment called "Adult Literacy and the New Technologies: Tools for a Lifetime," the literature on the use of technology in educational programs was reviewed, and the use and instructional effectiveness of audio equipment, television, computers, and interactive media were examined. Special attention was paid to the cost-effectiveness of educational technology and its use in adult literacy programs. The main findings of the review were as follows: (1) technology now makes possible many things that could not be accomplished by teachers or texts alone, increases student motivation, and enables special needs students (such as students with disabilities and non-English speakers) to achieve success in educational activities that they might otherwise fail or not be offered; (2) the current state of technology development does not encourage acquisition of and application for learning; (3) the effectiveness of technology depends on the context of its application and the quality of the technology materials available for learners; and (4) because no one technology can do everything any more than one teaching study can be appropriate to all students, subjects, and circumstances, educational technology is most effective when used in that specific combination with other technologies and instructional approaches that promises to be most effective for a particular purpose or goal. (Contains 70 references.) (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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