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Autor/inMcJames, Norma
InstitutionRoyal Victorian Inst. of the Blind (Australia).
TitelBasic Education Needs of Visually Impaired Adults.
Quelle(1992), (86 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccessibility (for Disabled); Adult Basic Education; Adult Education; Adult Literacy; Adult Programs; Assistive Devices (for Disabled); Blindness; Distance Education; Educational Improvement; Educational Needs; Educational Strategies; Foreign Countries; Mainstreaming; Technological Advancement; Visual Impairments; Australia
AbstractStrategies were identified to enhance the provision of Australian Adult Basic Education Services (ABES) for visually impaired adults and to provide an information sheet for further education workers indicating appropriate ways of interacting with visually impaired adults. The Eastern and Gippsland Regions were studied. In the Eastern Region, information on visually impaired adults was sought with regard to 13 considerations: extent of demands; number attending adult basic education and allied courses; special education resources available at colleges/centers; program flexibility; access to resource sharing; educators' perceptions; guidelines/information for educators; opinions/suggestions in regard to access; established networks; the manner in offering courses; frameworks and support systems needed for integration; barriers to access; and related costs to support systems. In the Gippsland Region, a broad overview was developed with attention to the implications of distance education and technological applications on visually impaired people. Four recommendations were made for adult basic education programs for the visually impaired: (1) effective strategies should enable and promote participation; (2) equal access should be provided commensurate with other community members to available technology; (3) specific locations should be designated in each region to facilitate access and participation; and (4) specific inclusion and opportunity should be ensured in initiatives. (The Disability Services Act of 1986 appears in an appendix. Strategies for each recommendation and 59 references are included.) (NLA)
AnmerkungenOffice of the Adult, Community, and Further Education Board, Level 21, Rialto Towers, 525 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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