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Autor/inn/enMacRae-Campbell, Linda; McKisson, Micki
TitelOur Troubled Skies. Our Only Earth. A Curriculum for Global Problem Solving.
Quelle(1990), (110 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Air Pollution; Ecology; Elementary School Science; Environmental Education; Geography; Global Approach; Interdisciplinary Approach; Intermediate Grades; Language Arts; Learning Activities; Problem Solving; Science Education; Secondary Education; Secondary School Science; Social Studies; Teaching Guides
AbstractBoth humanity and nature have suffered greatly from human insensitivity. Not only are the natural resources of the earth being depleted and its air, land and water polluted, the financial resources of humanity are being wasted on destructive expenditures. The "Our Only Earth" series is an integrated science, language arts, and social studies problem solving program for grades 4-12 that addresses six different global issues. The units are designed to provide students with knowledge and skills to address these major global issues actively. The unit presented in this document addresses the problems associated with the global effects of atmospheric pollution. This document includes information to assist teachers in organizing and directing students in their activities. This teacher's guide includes a unit overview, instructions on how to collect information through letter writing (including addresses for appropriate organizations), four classroom activities, a set of fact cards, instructions for a scavenger hunt, instructions for a geography activity, instructions for research and independent study, and materials for a youth summit on global air pollution. Additional materials included in this packet are a discussion and chart of instructional techniques and thinking skills used in the unit, a glossary of terms and a bibliography of 38 books, articles, other resources, and games on atmospheric pollution. (CW)
AnmerkungenZephyr Press, P.O. Box 13448-W, Tucson, AZ 85732-3448 (Order No. ZEO3-W, $16.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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