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InstitutionMontgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MD.
TitelProgram of Studies. Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program K-12. Draft.
Quelle(1986), (41 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Achievement; Career Guidance; Career Planning; Comprehensive Guidance; Counseling Services; Decision Making; Developmental Programs; Educational Planning; Elementary Secondary Education; Guidance Objectives; Guidance Programs; Models; Outcomes of Education; Program Descriptions; Program Design; Program Development; Student Development
AbstractThe Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program (CGCP) for the Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools (MCPS) organizes a conceptual framework for the delivery of guidance and counseling services for all students in Grades K-12. The program is developmental in nature and attempts to integrate the various facets of students' development--intellectual, social, physical, and emotional. The CGCP focuses on student development in three major areas: (1) academic achievement; (2) career and educational decision making; and (3) personal and social development as a student. The counselor's role in the CGCP is defined in terms of the following components: group guidance, individual planning, responsive counseling services, and school program support. While suggested time allocations for each area are outlined in the document, actual time allocations will be determined by individual school needs. In developing this program, the three MCPS Board of Education priorities which define student outcomes have been addressed specifically: improve the academic achievement of all students; implement a special emphasis program for improved academic performance and extracurricular participation of minority students; and improve student abilities to become independent learners, responsible citizens, and effective group members. These priorities and the goals of the CGCP are a shared responsibility of counselors, teachers, administrators, students, and parents. (TE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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