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Autor/inn/enHambleton, Ronald K.; Rogers, H. Jane
TitelDesign of an Item Bias Review Form: Issues and Questions.
Quelle(1988), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterContent Analysis; Culture Fair Tests; Ethnic Stereotypes; Evaluation Methods; Item Analysis; Language Patterns; Minority Groups; Religious Factors; Sex Stereotypes; Test Bias; Test Construction; Test Items; Testing Problems
AbstractIssues in preparing a review form to detect item bias in tests are discussed and the first draft of an item bias review form is presented. While stereotyping is the consistent representation of a given group in a particular light, bias is the presence of some characteristic of an item that results in differential performance of two individuals of equal ability but from different subgroups. Both are undesirable properties of a test. Stereotyping and inadequate representation are discussed as they apply to tests. Bias may involve: (1) sex, cultural, ethnic, class, and religious factors; (2) content; (3) language; (4) item structure and format; and (5) test time limits. The sample bias review form was designed to assist in the identification of items that may reflect bias against designated subgroups of interest. The respondent answers 19 questions about bias for each test item and answers 4 questions of judgment on the test as a whole. (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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