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Autor/inBialystok, Ellen
TitelMetalinguistic Dimensions of Second Language Proficiency.
Quelle(1987), (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBilingualism; Child Language; Cognitive Measurement; Cognitive Processes; Comparative Analysis; English; French; Grade 1; Language Dominance; Language Processing; Language Proficiency; Monolingualism; Primary Education; Problem Solving; Second Language Learning; Second Languages
AbstractThis study claimed that the ability of bilingual children to solve metalinguistic problems depends upon the demands of a given problem for analysis of knowledge or control of processing. It examined two hypotheses concerning bilingualism and metalinguistic problem-solving: (1) that bilingual children would be more advanced than monolingual children in their level of control of linguistic processing, and (2) bilingual children fully competent in both languages would be more advanced than monolingual or partially bilingual children in their level of analysis of linguistic knowledge. The subjects were 57 first-graders, from three schools in a suburb of Toronto, Canada, at three levels of language proficiency (English monolingual and partially or fluently French-English bilingual) but similar socioeconomic and ability levels. Three tests were administered: a test of the children's knowledge of abstract concepts associated with words, a syntax correction task, and an assessment of understanding of the arbitrary connection between linguistic form and reference in the world. Despite some inconsistencies between the predictions and results, it was concluded that children who differ in their level of bilingualism do enjoy different advantages in solving metalinguistic problems compared to each other and to monolingual children. This finding is at least partly consistent with a description of the processing skill component most involved in the solution to the metalinguistic problem. Implications of these results for the study of the analysis of linguistic knowledge, control of processing, and linguistic awareness are considered. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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