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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionNational Council of La Raza, Washington, DC.
TitelHispanics in the Labor Market: 1980-1985.
Quelle(1985), (14 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Census Figures; Demography; Educational Attainment; Employment Level; Employment Statistics; Hispanic Americans; Labor Force Nonparticipants; Labor Utilization; Racial Discrimination; Salaries; Unemployment
AbstractThis paper gives a brief statistical survey of the demographics of Hispanic labor force participation in the years 1980-1985. The progress of Hispanics in the labor market is hindered by their low levels of education, and they have lower economic returns on their education than whites do. Hispanic males were found to have the highest labor force participation rate of any major population group in 1984, possibly due to the younger average age of the Hispanic population. Hispanic workers were found to be largely concentrated in the areas of technical, sales, and administrative support; operators, fabricators, and laborers; and service occupations such as cooks and cleaners. It was also found that Hispanics earn the lowest wages in the labor market, with the median weekly income for Hispanic men being $319 and $327 for Hispanic women. These low wages are thought to be the result of low educational attainment, employment discrimination, and low female work force participation contributing to low family income. Hispanics were found to have lower unemployment rates than blacks, but on average 60% higher unemployment than whites. In a concluding section, Federal commitment to equal access to education and employment; policies which eliminate discrimination in the workplace; Federal employment and training programs stressing different population segments' needs; and cooperation between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to aid Hispanics in successfully participating in the labor force are recommended. (CG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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