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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France). General Information Programme.
TitelInternational Symposium on Harmonization of Education and Training Programmes in Information Science, Librarianship and Archival Studies. (Paris, France, October 8-12, 1984). Final Report and Introductory Statement.
[Report No.: PGI-84/CONF.801/COL.2,4; [Report No.: PGI/E.T./HARM-II/3,8
Quelle(1984), (36 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Archives; Curriculum Development; Developed Nations; Developing Nations; Higher Education; Information Science; Information Scientists; Information Utilization; Libraries; Library Education; Management Development; Position Papers; Professional Education; Use Studies; User Satisfaction (Information)
AbstractThis two-part document comprises an introductory statement and final report of a meeting that promoted the harmonized development, at regional and national levels, of theoretical and practical training programs for all kinds of information specialists. The meeting was attended by 19 experts from 17 countries--Brazil, Ethiopia, France, India, Jamaica, Japan, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, People's Republic of China, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Senegal, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Yugoslavia--as well as the representatives of two organizations of the United Nations system and observers from international non-governmental organizations. The introductory statement sketches the background for consideration of the harmonization question and includes discussion of the practical benefits, particularly to developing countries, of combining education and training for information scientists, librarians, and archivists. Notes and an outline of a common core curriculum, the orientation of the symposium, and references are included. The final report includes sections on harmonizing study programs in management, the application of technology, and user studies. An action plan of proposed activities, and notes on implementation completes the report. Notes include sections on educational efforts, professional training, management, applications of information technology, and user studies and user education. A meeting agenda and list of participants is appended. (THC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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