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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionSouthern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, GA.
TitelIssues in Associate Degree Nursing. Bridge to Success. Education and Service: A Partnership for Associate Degree Nursing.
Quelle(1984), (61 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Stellungnahme; Associate Degrees; Bachelors Degrees; Comparative Analysis; Competence; Higher Education; Job Skills; Nurses; Nursing; Nursing Education; Performance; Use Studies
AbstractThis publication is a compilation of highlights from papers presented at the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) project's regional conferences during 1983-84. Papers address pertinent issues in ADN education and practice. "AD Education: Are the Parameters Real?" (Julia Perkins) examines the parameters of associate degree nursing education from a historical perspective, in terms of what the literature says regarding the parameters of this type of education and practice, and by performance and use of graduates. "Transition Shock" (Anastasia Hartley) discusses the need for cooperative planning between education and service personnel to ease transition into the workplace. "AD Education: Parameters Espoused and in Use" (Georgeen H. DeChow and Jo C. Pierce) discusses the espoused parameters (what educators say) and describes those in use (what educators do). "Expectations of AD Graduates: An Educator's Perspective" (Sarah L. Etkin) uses the competency statements and premises of the National League for Nursing to describe the expected characteristics of ADN practice. "Bridges to Success" (Ann Larowe) also examines the parameters and philosophyy of AD education. "A Competency-Based Curriculum: Process at Kennesaw College" (Ann Crutchfield and Vanice W. Roberts) describes the process of competency development in the AD program. "Performance Differences in Graduates of Associate and Baccalaureate Degree Programs" (Annette Bairan, Leslie Brown, Pamela Chally, and Beverly Farnsworth) reports findings from a study conducted at the University of Vermont to demonstrate performance differences of graduates from AD programs versus baccalaureate programs. "Proposed Solutions to Issues in ADN" (Zeila W. Bailey and Dorothy Scott) suggests improvements for ADN education. "Expectations of AD Graduates: A Nursing Service Director's Perspectives" (Jacqueline Mardan) cites necessary skills and standards of performance. "The Reality of the Workplace" (Mona Raborn) stresses the need for leadership training. "An Educational Clinical Preceptorship" (Marianne Crouse, Emily Slunt, and Brenda Carter) and "An Internship Program" (Frances E. Casillo) describe these programs. "AD/BSN Competency Differentiation" (S. Joan Gregory) compares competencies of nurses from AD and Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs. "Opportunities for Success in the 80s" (Katherine Vestal) considers nurse utilization in a changing health care environment. "Clinical Competence Validation" (Carol Singer) summarizes a method of validating clinical competence of AD students. A bibliography concludes the document. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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