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Autor/inCompagnoni, Ezio
InstitutionCouncil for Cultural Cooperation, Strasbourg (France).
TitelCase Study on Portuguese Culture in Cassis (France). The CDCC's Project No. 7.: "The Education and Cultural Development of Migrants".
Quelle(1983), (23 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Acculturation; Case Studies; Cultural Background; Cultural Context; Cultural Education; Culture Contact; Curriculum Development; Elementary Education; Foreign Countries; Immigrants; Language Maintenance; Migrant Children; Migrant Education; Native Language Instruction; Native Speakers; Portuguese; School Community Relationship; Teacher Role; France; Portugal
AbstractAn experimental program financed by the Commission of the European Communities in two primary schools in Cassis, France, an area with a stable Portuguese immigrant population, involved intercultural education and the use of a Portuguese mother tongue teacher who served not only as a classroom teacher but also as a school-community liaison. The experiment operated on three levels. On the linguistic level, students discussed subjects from their intercultural classes to show that Portuguese could be used for subjects taught in the French educational system. On the intercultural level, the most important of the three, the mother tongue teacher evoked the students' country of origin through dialogue and through curricular activities relating to the local environment. On the social level, the most interesting of the three, the mother tongue teacher became a community focal point, serving as a social worker and school liaison for the Portuguese community. The experiment successfully created an appreciation of: the need for teachers to work as a group to develop teaching activities, the concept of cultural "discovery," the importance of school-community liaison and of opening the school to the community, and the pupil as focus of classroom communication. However, it did not completely solve the problem of Portuguese student underachievement. (SB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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