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Autor/inn/enLockheed, Marlaine E.; und weitere
InstitutionEast Windsor Regional School District, NJ.; Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ.; Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Coll. of Education.
TitelCurriculum and Research for Equity. A Training Manual for Promoting Sex Equity in the Classroom.
Quelle(1982), (373 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Administrator Attitudes; Curriculum Development; Educational Improvement; Elementary Education; Females; Inservice Teacher Education; Language Usage; Leadership; Nondiscriminatory Education; Resource Materials; Sex Bias; Sex Discrimination; Sex Fairness; Sex Stereotypes; Student Behavior; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Behavior; Teacher Workshops
AbstractThe Curriculum And Research for Equity (C-A-R-E) program materials are inservice teacher training modules (workshops, curricula, references, and research data) designed to promote educational equity in elementary school classrooms. The training manual is intended to help elementary education professionals identify, assess, and rectify the problem of sex-role stereotyping in the classroom. It contains an instructor's guide and the module materials for six 2-hour workshop sessions. The materials are intended for school administrators, curriculum specialists, and particularly teachers. The series of workshops is designed to be presented once a week for 6 weeks during the regular school year. In the first workshop, participants examine sexism in society and their own personal attitudes. The second workshop continues the consciousness-raising activities by examining language and behavior, looking at the nature and scope of the problem within the school and the classroom. The next three workshops examine three problems in the classroom: sex-role stereotyping, sex segregation, and the absence of female leadership. The sixth workshop is mainly a review session of the entire series. The manual provides the following information for each workshop: introduction; schedule; materials and equipment needed; suggested activities; transparencies for the instructor; and materials for participants. Model curriculum units are given for workshops 3 through 5. (RM)
AnmerkungenWEEA Publishing Center, Education Development Center, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02160 ($19.25).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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