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Autor/inCapehart, Ernestine
InstitutionRaleigh County Schools, Beckley, WV.
TitelRaleigh County Remedial Laboratory: Mathematics. Draft.
Quelle(1982), (91 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterHigh Schools; Mathematics Achievement; Mathematics Education; Mathematics Instruction; Needs Assessment; Program Descriptions; Program Development; Program Implementation; Remedial Instruction; Remedial Mathematics; Secondary School Mathematics
AbstractA project was conducted to develop a program of effective remediation in mathematics for the adolescent learner using the laboratory approach. The project addressed: (1) material development and equipment/supply selection for use within the laboratory which would address individual/small group needs; (2) identification of specific needs of individual students and development/implementation of a specific program for addressing those needs; (3) establishment of an evaluation system assessing effects of the laboratory on the individual and school program, and its relationship to students and teachers; and (4) identification of variations, additions, and improvements to insure continuation of the laboratory and strengthen the model for use by other schools and/or educational agencies developing programs for improving mathematics achievement. Reported in this document is the design, development, and implementation of the remedial mathematics laboratory. Included are discussions of a needs assessment, project objectives, the site selected, selection of the laboratory teacher and materials, and implementation efforts. Supporting documentation is presented in 11 appendices. These include West Virginia Board of Education's Basic Skills Resolution; data on 1981-82 mathematics classes; a list of materials/equipment; a mathematics assessment instrument; a sample student diagnostic record; a student prescription form; log sheets; a graphic representation of student scores; student treatment and mastery charts; graphics of the research design; and news releases. (JN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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