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Autor/inn/enDorsey, O. L.; Burleson, Jerry
TitelAutomated Learning, Individual Instruction and Computers in the Small School Classroom.
Quelle(1982), (12 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Managed Instruction; Elementary Education; Mathematics Instruction; Mexican Americans; Microcomputers; Program Descriptions; Reading Instruction; Remedial Mathematics; Small Schools; Summer Programs; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Workshops; Texas
AbstractThe Big Lake, Texas, microcomputer pilot project, begun in 1981 with the express purpose of assisting the slow learner with math, was expanded shortly after its inception to involve all 550 K-6 elementary school students, 56% of which were Spanish surnamed. Initially, teachers were not involved in the project; teacher aides were taught to operate the computers (one disc drive, five terminals, and one printer) and to assist the students. Each student was allocated 15 minutes per week using Millican math series software. Results of the Science Research Associates (SRA) scores at the end of 1 year showed a marked improvement in math and reading. During the first year, a presentation was developed and provided to over 300 teachers from 33 small schools to acquaint them with the microcomputer as an educational tool. Additionally, a computer camp was offered in 1982 for K-5 students to assist in evaluating computers as educational tools. There were problems in the project which were not overcome, i.e., limited machine locations and time per student, and a lack of a dedicated space for computer based instruction. Anticipated problems such as machine maintenance and teacher resistance to computerized instruction never occurred. (AH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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