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Autor/inn/enUlrich, Celeste; Berlin, Pearl
InstitutionNational Foundation for the Improvement of Education, Washington, DC. Resource Center on Sex Roles in Education.; Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, DC.
TitelImplications of Title IX for Postsecondary Physical Education and Athletic Personnel. Implementing Title IX and Attaining Sex Equity: A Workshop Package for Postsecondary Educators. Application Booklet for Physical Activity Personnel.
Quelle(1978), (66 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAthletics; Attitude Change; College Faculty; Compliance (Legal); Curriculum Development; Educational Environment; Educational Legislation; Equal Education; Equal Facilities; Higher Education; Inservice Teacher Education; Nondiscriminatory Education; Physical Education Facilities; Physical Education Teachers; Program Administration; Program Budgeting; Resource Materials; Sex Bias; Sex Fairness
AbstractThis document is a supplementary component of a multicomponent workshop package designed for training and staff development efforts for postsecondary education personnel. The package was designed to assist college and university personnel to gain: (1) an understanding of the manifestations and the effects of sex discrimination and sex bias in education; (2) an understanding of the requirements of Title IX and its implementation; and (3) skills and capabilities for the development and implementation of policies, programs, and management systems to ensure educational equity. This workshop component serves as a reference manual for physical activity personnel. The first section introduces the concept of sex equity and its implications for colleges and universities. Section 2 discusses the methods of assessing current policies and procedures to determine if sex discrimination is present. Guideline questions are included. Section 3 deals with problems and issues traditionally found to be targets for change in physical education programs: (1) curriculum; (2) teaching, learning, and performing environment; (3) administration; (4) funding; and (5) social interaction. Implementation strategies and resources are suggested. The fourth section discusses behaviors and attitudes that encourage sex equity. (FG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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