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Autor/inund weitere
Sonst. PersonenHicks, Doin E. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionGallaudet Coll., Washington, DC.
TitelCareer Development.
Quelle2 (1982) 4, (55 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Attitudes; Career Education; Career Exploration; Deafness; Elementary Secondary Education; Expectation; Family Influence; Hearing Impairments; High Schools; Occupational Aspiration; Program Descriptions; Resources; Student Teacher Relationship; Vocational Rehabilitation
AbstractThe issue of "Directions" contains nine articles which focus on activities and approaches to career education for hearing impaired students. Articles include the following titles and authors: "Attitudes as Factors in Vocational Rehabilitation of Young Deaf Adults" (R. Sanderson); "Career Education--Getting Ready for Today's Job Market" (R. Steffan, Jr.); "The National Project on Career Education--Past, Present, and Future" (D. Updegraff and J. Egelston-Dodd); "The Day School Program at Selaco-Downey High School" (C. Rowland); "Oregon's Regional Programs for the Deaf--A Statewide Career Exploration Project" (L. Fuhrman); "Two Determinants for Perceiving Parents as Influential in the Development of Occupational Goals for Deaf Students" (R. Meisegeier); "The Relationship between Teacher Expectations and the Occupational Aspirations of Seniors in Selected Residential Schools for the Deaf" (B. Walker); "Infusing Career Education into the Content Areas" (J. Maeder); and "Using Principles of Instruction and Evaluation in Infusion of Career Education Concepts" (N. Fones). A list of periodicals in career and vocational education, bibliographic data, and abstracts of career development resources from ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), and information on documents in ERIC on the hearing impaired complete the issue. (SW)
AnmerkungenDirections, Box 5664, Washington, DC 20016 ($10.00 subscription rate, four issues; $3.50 single copy).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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