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Autor/inAnderson, Jonathan
TitelAnalysing the Readability of English and Non-English Texts in the Classroom with Lix.
Quelle(1981), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterContent Analysis; Difficulty Level; English; Foreign Countries; Languages; Measurement Techniques; Readability; Readability Formulas; Reading Research; Textbook Evaluation; Sweden
Abstract"Lasbarhetsindex" ("Lix") is a readability formula developed in Sweden that holds promise for assessing text difficulty in other languages, including English. So far three separate studies have been conducted to test Lix with French and English texts, with German and English texts, and with Greek and English texts. In all three cases high correlations were found between the Lix scores across languages. The steps for computing Lix scores are as follows: (1) count the total number of words, the number of long words (more than six letters), and the number of sentences in the text; (2) compute the percentage of long words in the text; (3) compute the average words per sentence; and (4) add the two values for 2 and 3 and round to the nearest whole number. Scores usually range from 20 ("very easy") to 60 ("very difficult"). Although the research base for Lix is preliminary and certain language variations necessitate establishing norms for Lix scores across languages, the Lix formula appears to be easy to compute (assuring intercoder reliability) and useful for examining texts at a variety of levels, from young children's materials through secondary level and adult texts. (RL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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