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Autor/inLevy, Daniel
InstitutionYale Univ., New Haven, CT. Inst. for Social and Policy Studies.
TitelHigher Education Policy in Authoritarian Regimes: Comparative Perspectives on the Chilean Case.
Quelle(1980), (64 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Administration; Admission Criteria; Authoritarianism; Case Studies; Comparative Education; Educational Policy; Financial Policy; Governance; Government School Relationship; Higher Education; Institutional Autonomy; Personnel Selection; Political Influences; Argentina; Brazil; Chile
AbstractA Chilean case study of higher education under an authoritarian regime is presented. The study restricts itself to the most prevalent sub-type of the authoritarian regime which is "bureaucratic-authoritarianism" (BA). The BA designation refers to regimes which exert considerable repressive control over societies that have undergone substantial industrialization, growth of bureaucratic structures and roles, and mobilization of popular sectors. Characteristics of the BA regime are: political exclusion of popular sectors; coersion and corporatist encapsulation of popular sectors; extension of state powers, but also privatization of state institutions; economic exclusion or policies that favor certain privileged sectors; reduction of social welfare in order to attract foreign capital; technocratic perspectives rather than idealogical ones in order to build a new society; and nationalism. These characteristics affect the following five sub-policies in higher education: (1) admissions policy; (2) personnel selection (professorial and administrative); (3) academic policy (formation and content); (4) human resource distribution (teaching and research by field of endeavor); and (5) financial policy. Among the conclusions regarding the effect of authoritarianism are these: admissions policies are marked by forcible cut-backs; personnel policies are marked by repressive top-down control and fearful purges of dissidents; and academic policies include the replacement of both established student participation and the open interchange of critical ideas with mandated obedience. (LC)
AnmerkungenHigher Education Research Group, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale Univ., 1732 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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