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Sonst. PersonenOrloff, Jeffrey H. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNorthern Virginia Council for Gifted/Talented Education, Falls Church.
TitelBeyond Awareness: Providing for the Gifted Child. Proceedings of the Annual Northern Virginia Conference on Gifted/Talented Education (4th, Arlington, Virginia, March 23-24, 1979).
Quelle(1979), (163 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Career Exploration; Conference Reports; Creativity; Curriculum Design; Elementary Secondary Education; Gifted; Parent Role; Special Programs; State Programs; Teacher Role; Teaching Methods
AbstractThe volume contains 19 papers from the Fourth Annual Northern Virginia Conference on Gifted/Talented Education. Included are the following titles and authors: "A Statement on the National Commitment to Gifted Education" (R. Stafford); "Beyond Awareness into Practice" (F. Williams); "Fostering Independence and Creativity" (D. Treffinger); "Parents are Education Partners" (G. Ginsberg); "The Mentor and the Education of the Gifted and Talented" (B. Boston); "Personality Structure and Curricular Differentiation: A Synthesis in Gifted Education" (V. Ward and H. Jellen); "Curriculum for the Gifted: Pulling from Our Bag of Tricks to Meet Individual Needs" (L. Addison); "Group Counseling the Gifted" (S. Allan and D. Fox); "Creative Expression--Writing and Theatre Arts" (R. Norris);"Parent and Teacher Effectiveness Training as They Pertain to the Gifted" (M. Rourke); "Stretching Mental Muscles Through Social Studies" (B. Monroe); "Differential Strategies Allowing for Openness in Education" (F. Williams); "Developing the Higher Thought Processes" (D. Drake et al.); "Developing Work-Learning Opportunities for the Gifted" (C. Schindler); "The Key to Learning Motivation" (T. Woodall); "Student-Initiated and Student-Executed Curriculum: the SIU-100 Approach" (R. Magoon and H. Jellen); "The Identification of Resources for Individual Gifted Students in Grades 3-8" (D. Duboiss et al.); "Educating the Gifted at Plains--An Expanded Program" (R. Lehman); and "Career Exploration with Gifted and Talented Elementary Students" (N. Beach). (SBH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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