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Autor/inEllis, Susanne D.
InstitutionAmerican Inst. of Physics, New York, NY. Manpower Statistics Div.
TitelEnrollments and Degrees. AIP Report.
[Report No.: AIP-R-151.16
Quelle(1979), (9 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAstronomy; Bachelors Degrees; Doctoral Degrees; Enrollment Rate; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Majors (Students); Masters Degrees; Physics; Surveys; Undergraduate Study
AbstractThe annual Survey of Enrollments and Degrees includes 820 degree-granting physics and astronomy departments, 31 of which grant both physics and astronomy degrees. Data are presented on the following areas: physics degrees awarded by academic year, 1968-78; number of institutions by highest physics degree offered, 1974-79; physics enrollments and degrees awarded by academic year 1968-79; undergraduate and graduate enrollments and degrees by institution type, 1968-79; introductory physics enrollments in physics-degree-granting institutions by geographic region, 1974-79; introductory physics enrollments, 1978-79; actual and projected number of undergraduate physics majors; undergraduate physics majors by geographic region and type of institution, 1978-79; full-time and part-time graduate physics enrollment by type of institution, 1973-79; physics degrees by type of institution and geographic region, 1977-78; actual and projected number of physics doctorates granted, 1965-1983; number of physics bachelor's degrees and doctorates granted by sex and minority group status, 1977-78; astronomy enrollments 1978-79 and degrees 1977-78 in separate and combined departments; and astronomy enrollments 1978-79 and degrees 1978-79 by type of institution. (SW)
AnmerkungenAmerican Institute of Physics, 335 East 45 Street, New York, NY 10017
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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