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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionNortheastern Oklahoma State Univ., Tahlequah.
TitelFaculty Research, Publications, In-Service Activities at Northeastern Oklahoma State University.
Quelle(1978), (62 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccounting; American History; American Indian Education; American Indians; Animal Behavior; Athletics; Bibliographies; Books; College Faculty; College Libraries; Computer Programs; Enrollment; Foreign Countries; Graphic Arts; Higher Education; Industrial Arts; Inservice Education; Mathematical Applications; Physical Education; Publications; Research Projects; State Universities; Stealing; Student Attitudes; Teacher Attitudes; Teaching Methods; Zoology
AbstractContained in this publication of Northeastern Oklahoma State University are faculty publications and research reports; abstracts fo faculty-student research projects; a list of individual and group inservice activities and research in progress by college department and divisions; and a bibliography of published articles, books, and creative works. The following articles are included: "Faculty and Student Evaluation of Enrollment Procedures at Northeastern Oklahoma State University," by James A. Adams, James W. Jones, and Major L. McClure; "Book Losses at a State University," by David H. Eyman; "Chief Greenwood Leflore and His Malmaison Plantation" by R. Halliburton, Jr.; "A Comparison of Random Number Generator Subroutines," by Daniel L. Hansen; "Fear Evoked Bradycardia in the Free Ranging Woodchuck 'Marmota Monax'," by E. Norbert Smith and Robert A. Woodruff; "A Method of Teaching Managerial Accounting," by Irma Stierwalt; "Organization of Physical Education and Sport in the USSR," by Martha Sturdevant; and "A Model for Establishing Graphic Communications Within the Practical Arts Division of Northeastern Oklahoma State University," by Earl G. Yarbrough. (SW)
AnmerkungenNortheastern Oklahoma State University, Department of Production Printing, Tahlequah, OK (volume 29)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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