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Autor/inn/enKelley, R. Lynn; und weitere
InstitutionCooperative Assessment of Experiential Learning Project, Princeton, NJ.
TitelAnalyzing Costs in the Assessment of Prior Learning. CAEL Institutional Report. Webster College.
Quelle(1976), (31 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Students; Cost Effectiveness; Evaluators; Experiential Learning; Higher Education; Learning Experience; Operating Expenses; Prior Learning; Private Colleges; Program Costs; Program Evaluation; Special Degree Programs; Student Evaluation; Unit Costs
AbstractA cost/benefit analysis of the assessment of experiential learning was performed at Webster College, Missouri. An undergraduate and a masters degree program were studied; the costs of evaluating experiential learning were compared to the costs of traditional college programs. Total costs for experiential learning assessment were found to be significantly less than the costs for conventional classroom instruction. Furthermore, unit costs decreased as the volume of assessment increased. It was also concluded that the evaluation of the relative benefits of assessment programs should be made within the context of long-range institutional goals. This model will probably be most useful to private colleges that are faced with changing clientele and that have the capacity to attract older students. (Author/MV)
AnmerkungenCooperative Assessment of Experiential Learning, American City Building, Suite 403, Columbia, Maryland 21044 ($3.50)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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