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Sonst. PersonenFilipovic, Rudolf (Hrsg.)
InstitutionZagreb Univ. (Yugoslavia).; Center for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, VA.
TitelReports 9, the Yugoslav Serbo-Croatian - English Contrastive Project.
Quelle(1974), (126 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdjectives; Annotated Bibliographies; Contrastive Linguistics; Descriptive Linguistics; Determiners (Languages); English; Grammar; Semantics; Sentence Structure; Serbocroatian; Slavic Languages; Structural Analysis; Syntax; Verbs
AbstractThe ninth volume in this series contains seven articles dealing with various aspects of English - Serbo-Croatian contrastive analysis. They are: "A Note on Modifiers of Comparatives in English and Serbo-Croatian," by Wayles Browne; "Superlative Structures in English and Their Correspondents in Serbo-Croatian," by Vladimir Ivir; "Semantic Aspects of Adjective Comparison in English and Serbo-Croatian," by Vladimir Ivir; "Passive Sentences in English and Serbo-Croatian," by Ljiljana Mihailovic; "The Definite Determiner in English and Serbo-Croatian," by Olga Miseska Tomic; "English and Serbo-Croatian WH-Words, Their Derivatives and Correlates," by Olga Miseska Tomic; and "An Annotated Bibliography of Research in Scientific and Technical Language," by L. Selinker, L. Trimble, and T. Huckin. (AM)
AnmerkungenInstitut Za Lingvistiku, Filozofski Fakultet, Box 171, 41001 Zagreb, Yugoslavia ($3.00)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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