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Autor/inFleck, George
InstitutionSmith Coll., Northampton, MA.
TitelCase Studies in Systems Chemistry. Final Report. [Includes Complete Case Study, Carboxylic Acid Equilibria]
Quelle(1973), (241 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcids; Case Studies; Chemical Equilibrium; Chemistry; College Science; Computer Assisted Instruction; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; Laboratories; Science Education; Science Instruction; Simulation
AbstractThis publication was produced as a teaching tool for college chemistry. The book is a text for a computer-based unit on the chemistry of acid-base titrations, and is designed for use with FORTRAN or BASIC computer systems, and with a programmable electronic calculator, in a variety of educational settings. The text attempts to present computer programs that are relatively free of reliance on specialized large computer systems programs. The case-study approach presented is highly research and laboratory oriented. Similar subject matter is conventionally taught in most introductory college chemistry courses, but this text material attempts greater depth of instruction through utilization of the computational resources of a computer. (Author/BT)
AnmerkungenThe complete case study is available separately from Dr. George Fleck, Department of Chemistry, Clark Science Center, Northampton, MA 01060
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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