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Autor/inn/enBeder, Harold W.; Darkenwald, Gordon G.
InstitutionColumbia Univ., New York, NY. Center for Adult Education.
TitelEducation for Community Participation in Health Decision Making: An Evaluation of Columbia University's Continuing Education Program for Health Consumers.
Quelle(1974), (42 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Community Development; Community Health Services; Community Involvement; Community Programs; Community Surveys; Consumer Education; Health Education; Program Evaluation; Public Health; Questionnaires; Success
AbstractThe Health Consumer Education Program (CEP) was designed to foster "maximum feasible participation" of the people in planning, administering, and implementing community health care programs through adult education. This report, an analysis and evaluation of CEP, describes the program, presents data on intended and current practice, analyzes discrepancies and discusses recommendations using data obtained from interviews with key CEP staff, community participants who served as course coordinators, evaluation sheets completed by all course participants, questionnaires (Appendixes A and B) mailed to course participants, observation of a few classes, and analysis of documents (proposals, progress reports, course outlines). The community participation on the steering committees in all four low-income areas created a broad range of learning experiences and articulated the needs of the communities. Comparing the summary of program intent with the survey results from the questionnaires (115 responses, reflecting a 34.6 percent response rate) and interviews, it was found that there were no discrepancies between the goals and actual practice. Recommendations pointed out several weaknesses: the need to recruit more community leaders, more emphasis on application of skills and knowledge, more technical assistance for projects, and the institution of continuous program evaluation from the inception of the program. (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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