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Autor/inn/enCarr, Maxine; Manning, Patricia
TitelAn Assessment of the Effects of a Simulation Game on Individual's Attitudes Toward Inner-City Low Socio-Economic Life Styles; A Practicum.
Quelle(1973), (60 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAttitude Change; Class Activities; College Students; Education Majors; Educational Games; Inner City; Low Income; Racial Attitudes; Semantic Differential; Simulation; Social Attitudes; Socioeconomic Status; Urban Culture; Urban Population; Florida
AbstractThis experiment investigated two problems: Can attitudes be affected as a result of simulation games in a classroom setting? Can these attitudinal changes, or lack thereof, be statistically assessed. The two purposes of the study were: (1) Exposure and involvement of under-graduate education students to basic options and decisions presented to inner-city ghetto residents; and, (2) Utilization of research data as a guide line for recommendations affecting pre-service and in-service curriculums offered by the College of Education. The experimental and control groups were randomly selected from three classes of undergraduate education majors enrolled in Human Growth and Development at Florida Technological University. Both the experimental and control groups comprised 20 students. The experimental group was involved in the "Ghetto Game." The control group was given lectures on socio-economic variables as determinants of basic life styles. Following the post-game discussion the experimental group was given the semantic differential. The control group received the semantic differential following their lectures. The subjects were provided with a concept to be differentiated and a set of bipolar adjective scales against which to do it. The subject indicated for each item the direction of his association and its intensity on a seven-step scale. (Author/JM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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