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Autor/inHarris, Marshall A.
TitelDescription and Analysis of the Process and Methodology of a School Finance Study in Florida.
Quelle(1973), (54 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdvisory Committees; Capital Outlay (for Fixed Assets); Conferences; Data Analysis; Data Collection; Educational Finance; Educational Legislation; Elementary Schools; Equalization Aid; Organizations (Groups); Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; Program Guides; Research Committees; School Support; School Taxes; Secondary Schools; State Aid; Florida
AbstractThe mission of the study reported here was to provide a better understanding of the existing financial arrangement for elementary and secondary education, to design alternative systems where they appeared to be justified, and to recommend systems that would provide like amounts of dollars for students with similar characteristics (deaf, blind, disadvantaged, etc.) in all school districts. The document examines the study team organization, their methods of data collection and analysis, and their recommendations for school finance reform. The document describes the main features of the Florida Education Finance Program Act of 1973, enacted as a result of the study recommendations. The paper concludes with a list of recommendations that other States might find useful in setting up a State school finance study. (Author/DN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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