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Autor/inn/enFrick, Frederick C.; Karp, David
InstitutionAir Force Systems Command, L.G. Hanscom Field, MA. Electronic Systems Div.; Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Lexington. Lincoln Lab.
TitelUse of the Lincoln Training System (LTS) for Task Simulation in the Support of Performance Laboratory Instruction. Technical Report 506.
Quelle(1973), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAudiovisual Aids; Audiovisual Instruction; Costs; Data Processing; Equipment Evaluation; Feasibility Studies; Information Storage; Laboratory Procedures; Microfiche; Simulation; Student Evaluation; Task Performance
AbstractAn investigation was carried out to determine the feasibility and relative cost of developing pictorial procedures that could be used in conjunction with the Lincoln Training System (LTS) for task simulation in the support of performance laboratory instruction. Results showed that the technique was economical and effective. The storage and data processing capabilities of the LTS made it possible to monitor and assess the student's performance. It was also possible to record and monitor system performance in the same fashion, and a scheme for "system performance assurance" was developed which capitalized on this capability. (Author/PB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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