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Autor/inKuhn, David J.
TitelValue Education in the Sciences: The Step Beyond Concepts and Processes.
Quelle(1973), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Attitudes; Educational Objectives; Instruction; Science Education; Simulation; Social Values
AbstractThis paper is concerned with the question of how the value systems of individuals may be clarified and applied in the science classroom and in the real world outside. Science teaching is considered as occurring on three levels: the fact level, the concepts-process level, and the values level. The fact level was often stressed prior to the 1960s, the concepts-process level received added attention during the 1960s, and the values level will gain increasing importance in science teaching during the 1970s. Value education in the sciences must be built on the sound understanding of science concepts and processes. It will require innovative strategies, a new perspective on science education, and different roles for teachers. A number of strategies, including simultations, role playing, sensitivity modules, values continuums, and the use of attitudinal surveys are described. Appropriate teacher behaviors in the classroom (e.g., asking evaluative questions and promoting a classroom climate conducive to value exploration) are also examined. Science education must make the exploration of value systems paramount in order to produce a scientifically literate and aware citizenry capable of making proper decisions on such questions as population control, radioactive fallout, pesticide usage, and industrial effluencts. (Author/JR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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