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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionCentre for Educational Research and Innovation
TitelThink scenarios, rethink education.
Paralleltitel: Repenser l'enseignement. Des scénarios pour agir.
QuelleParis: OECD (2006), 200 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheSchooling for tomorrow
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterZukunftsorientierung; Chancengleichheit; Informationsgesellschaft; Bildungspolitik; Planung; Schulleiter; Schulleitung; Schulorganisation; Sekundarbereich; Lehrer; Systemisches Denken; Schülerorientierter Unterricht; Beruf; Qualifizierung; Zukunftswerkstatt; Internationaler Vergleich; Fallbeispiel; Innovation; Umsetzung; Zukunft; Großbritannien; Kanada; Neuseeland; Niederlande; Ontario
AbstractThis volume... discusses how to develop [educational] scenarios and use them to address the challenges confronting policy and practice. Its chapters give both authoritative scholarly overviews and very practical lessons to be applied. ... Part one "Creating and using scenarios to make a difference in education" contains the following chapters: 1. Education in the information age: scenarios, equity, and equality (Jay Ogilvy), 2. System thinking, system thinkers and sustainability (Michael Fullan), 3. Scenarios, international comparisons, and key variables for educational scenario analysis (Jean-Michel Saussois), 4. Scenario development: A typology of approaches (Philip van Notten), 5. Futures studies, scenarios, and the "Possiblity space" approach (Riel Miller), 6. Futures thinking methodologies and options for education (Jonas Svava Iversen). Part two "Futures thinking in action" continues with the following chapters: 7. England: Using scenarios to build capacities for leadership (Jane Creasy and Sarah Harris), 8. The Netherlands: Futures thinking in education, school organisation, and leadership development (Jan Heijmans, Harry Gankema, and Anneke Boot), 9. New Zealand: The secondary futures project, 10. Ontario (English-speaking system): The future of "Teaching as a Profession", 11. Ontario (French-speaking system): The Vision 2020 Initiative, 12. Reflections on the practice and potential of futures thinking (Futures thinking to clarify value differences by Charles Ungerleider; Do schools need to be reformed or reinvented? by Raymond Daigle; Consolidate the foundations of evidence-based futures thinking by Walo Hutmacher; Using futures thinking strategically: Inward and outward facing processes by Tom Bentley). (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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