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InstitutionAdvocates for Children and Youth, Baltimore, MD.
TitelMaryland's Kids Count Factbook 1996.
Quelle(1996), (191 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Birth Weight; Blacks; Child Abuse; Child Health; Child Neglect; Child Support; Children; Counties; Crime; Demography; Dropout Rate; Early Parenthood; Family (Sociological Unit); Graduation; High School Graduates; Incidence; Infant Mortality; Lead Poisoning; Mortality Rate; Out of School Youth; Poverty; Racial Differences; Reading Achievement; Social Indicators; State Surveys; Statistical Surveys; Tables (Data); Trend Analysis; Well Being; Maryland
AbstractThis Kids Count report details statewide trends in the well-being of Maryland's children. The statistical portrait is based on 14 indicators of child well being: (1) child poverty; (2) child support; (3) births to teens; (4) low birthweight infants; (5) infant mortality; (6) lead screening; (7) child abuse and neglect; (8) child death rate; (9) teen violent death; (10) school violence; (11) juvenile violent crime arrests; (12) third grade reading achievement; (13) on-time graduation; and (14) high school completion. Charts compare Maryland counties in the domains of health, economic, safety, and preparing for adulthood. The bulk of the report presents a statewide overview and county data for well-being indicators. Findings indicate that there have been improvements in 10 indicators. Infant mortality has continued to decline. The teen violent death rate has not increased and the child death rate has declined. There have been gains on all three education indicators. However, over 15 percent of children live in poverty, a 33 percent increase in 6 years. There have been increases in low birthweight infants and the juvenile violent crime arrest rate. There are continued disparities between African Americans and whites on low birth weight, infant mortality, teen births, and teen violent death rate. An appendix lists county data on the indicators in aggregate form and describes the methodology and data sources. (KB)
AnmerkungenMaryland KIDS COUNT, Advocates for Children and Youth, Inc., 34 Market Place, Fifth Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202 ($15; make checks payable to "ACY-KIDS COUNT").
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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