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Autor/inn/enKlentschy, Michael P.; Hoge, Suzi
TitelKindergarten Program for Four-Year-OIds: An Early intervention Strategy.
Quelle(1991), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComputer Literacy; Developmentally Appropriate Practices; Early Intervention; Economically Disadvantaged; High Risk Students; Learning Centers (Classroom); Parent Participation; Preschool Curriculum; Preschool Education; Private Financial Support; Program Descriptions; Public Schools; School Districts; Teacher Salaries
AbstractThe Pasadena Unified School District, in northwest Los Angeles County, recognized that an early intervention program for economically disadvantaged children should be part of its comprehensive district revitalizing and restructuring plan. Consequently, staff developed the Kindergarten Program for Four-Year-Olds, which was designed to provide: (1) early intervention for at-risk children that focused on the entire family; (2) a differentiated 2-year kindergarten experience focusing on age-appropriate language development and use of computers to assist in language development; and (3) a socializing experience that could be extended beyond the third grade. The curricular framework of the program emphasizes active learning in using language; representing experiences and ideas; developing logical reasoning through classification, seriation, and number concepts; understanding time and space; using a computer; and participating in movement education, social and emotional development, literature, and ethnic and cultural recognition. Each child receives a hot lunch and a snack each day. The program features parent conferences, home visits, and parent education. No state funds support the program; funds needed to operate it have been obtained from private sources. Other program characteristics and aspects of implementation are reported. (RH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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