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Autor/inTovote, Christina
TitelCustomer or Refined Student? Reflections on the "Customer" Metaphor in the Academic Environment and the New Pedagogical Challenge to the Libraries and Librarians.
Quelle(2001), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Active Learning; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Information Literacy; Instructional Design; Library Instruction; Library Role; Library Services; Problem Based Learning; Teaching Methods; User Needs (Information); Users (Information); Sweden
AbstractThis paper discusses customer services in academic libraries. The first section addresses the concept of the "customer." Thereafter, the paper applies the metaphor of the producer and its consumers to the relationship between a university and its students. The second section looks at education as a process of refinement. Next, the establishment of Malmo University (Sweden) in 1998 is described as an effort to create a different kind of institution with a broad base for recruiting students, a new pedagogical approach, collaboration with the community, and a multi-disciplinary approach. The fourth section describes the students at Malmo University and the pedagogical challenge for the University's library to meet the needs of many types of students, including the process of information literacy, as well as problem-based learning or active learning as a method of education. Following this, the paper discusses a special project at Malmo University that examined whether or not there was a need for a special pedagogical approach to library courses in information searching. The sixth section discusses the program for information literacy and the committee for quality control at the University. The final section considers the question "For whom do we exist?" in relation to the library at Malmo University. The conclusion discusses challenges presented for librarians and students. (MES)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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