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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enAyres, Paul; Sawyer, Wayne; Dinham, Steve
TitelEffective Teaching and Student Independence at Grade 12.
Quelle(2001), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Active Learning; Classroom Environment; Classroom Techniques; Foreign Countries; Grade 12; High School Students; High Schools; Pedagogical Content Knowledge; Secondary School Teachers; Student Participation; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Characteristics; Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Influence; Teacher Student Relationship; Teaching Methods; Australia
AbstractThis study investigated how five Australian teachers, who were considered to be exemplary in helping students develop independence, influenced and guided their students to extremely high grades in 12th grade. Teachers were observed teaching a lesson and then interviewed. The interviews asked them to identify successful outcomes of the lesson and to consider the strategies they employed. Overall, teachers had positive attitudes toward their schools and students. They considered being close as a team and having mastery of content knowledge as crucial to their success. Strong positive classroom relationships were an integral feature against which their teaching strategies were enacted. Planning of content and teaching were key aspects of teaching success. All classrooms were nonthreatening, displaying an excellent relationship between teachers and students. Many teachers created a culture in which the Higher School Certificate (HSC) was treated as a kind of game with its own set of rules, though the teachers did not focus on the HSC. Most lessons had two phases, the first being heavily teacher directed and the second involving more independent learning. Overall, teachers encouraged and laid the groundwork for student independence. (Contains 21 references.) (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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