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Autor/inPerry, Rosemary
TitelCommunicating and Cooperating in Play.
Quelle(1996), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterActive Learning; Communication Research; Foreign Countries; Group Activities; Interpersonal Competence; Language of Instruction; Language Research; Play; Preschool Children; Preschool Education; Teaching Methods; Australia
AbstractWith increasing pressures being placed on early childhood teachers to provide academic programs, many are turning away from programs that foster pretend play. This study examined two contrasting approaches to teaching preschool children and considered their effects on children's linguistic and social abilities. One of the teaching approaches studied was the activity-based approach in which the teacher provides planned activities based on observations and perceptions of children's needs and interests. The second teaching approach was the event-based approach in which the teacher and the children together create the curriculum, with the teacher actively encouraging children to express their own ideas and to represent or re-create events and experiences, often in the context of pretend play. The research design involved an observation of randomly assigned children between 4- and 5-years-old in 2 preschool units within a middle-class suburban Brisbane preschool. The activity-based approach was implemented in one unit, and the event-based approach was implemented in the second unit. The comparative analysis of verbal interactions considered children's communicative abilities with both peers and adults and their social competence in terms of acquaintanceship and friendship as well as their ability to cooperate. The findings indicated that children in the event-based approach demonstrated significantly clearer communication and more cooperation, although differences in terms of social abilities relating to friendship were not significant. The findings also indicated that there are important links between pretend play, and the social interaction it engenders, and cognitive development. (Contains 25 references.) (WJC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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