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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenHawes, Hugh (Hrsg.); Scotchmer, Christine (Hrsg.)
InstitutionUnited Nations Children's Fund, New York, NY.; Child-to-Child Trust, London (England). Inst. of Education.
TitelChildren for Health.
Quelle(1993), (185 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Birth; Breastfeeding; Child Health; Child Safety; Disease Control; Diseases; Foreign Countries; Health Education; Health Promotion; Hygiene; Immunization Programs; Nutrition; Prenatal Care; Preventive Medicine
AbstractThis book is designed for those who work with children and who believe that children, in schools and as family members, need to be considered partners in spreading health messages as well as benefiting from them. It contains the messages included in "Facts for Life," a handbook that presents practical, low-cost ways of protecting children's lives and health. Part One contains seven chapters that discuss: who can use the ideas in this resource book; the "Facts for Life" concept; children as promoters of health; three levels of action in health program planning; the benefits of children's involvement; program implementation; and evaluation of programs. Part Two includes all of the sections from "Facts for Life," in a slightly different arrangement, as well as two additional sections prepared especially for this book. Each section includes a prime message and supporting information, objectives for children's understanding and action, activities for understanding and for taking action, a "basket of ideas," and evaluation questions. The 12 section topics are: (1) breastfeeding; (2) child growth; (3) child development; (4) hygiene; (5) diarrhea; (6) immunization; (7) coughs and colds; (8) malaria; (9) AIDS; (10) safe motherhood; (11) accidents; and (12) food for the family. (TJQ)
AnmerkungenTALC, P.O. Box 49, St. Albans, Herts, England, United Kingdom AL1 4AX (2 British Pounds; 25% discount on 100 or more copies).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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