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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionHudson River Center for Program Development, Glenmont, NY.
TitelFirst Aid: Helping Yourself, Helping Others. Teacher's Guide. Health Promotion for Adult Literacy Students: An Empowering Approach.
Quelle(1993), (52 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adult Basic Education; Adult Literacy; Classroom Techniques; First Aid; Health Education; Health Materials; Health Promotion; Injuries; Learning Activities; Lesson Plans; Literacy Education; Physical Health; Teaching Guides; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis teaching guide is part of a series of materials developed, with input from adult learners, to aid adult literacy teachers in incorporating health education into the curriculum. This guide aims to help teachers to provide adult students with information about first-aid procedures that will substantially reduce the severity of accidents and wounds and contribute to improved overall health. The guide provides the goals and objectives of the course; it is organized in six sections that cover the following topics: (1) background information; (2) whom to call and what to say; (3) first-aid supplies; (4) precautions; (5) principles of first aid (breathing, bleeding, and shock); and (6) first aid for common ailments (fractures and sprains, burns, choking, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, frostbite, hypothermia, heart attack, insect bites and stings, poisoning, and snakebites). The guide includes sample lessons, handouts, answer keys, a list of eight resources, a glossary of key terms, and a bibliography citing six references. An appendix provides names, addresses, and telephone numbers of American Red Cross chapters in the state of New York. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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