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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionAssociation of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, Raleigh, NC.
TitelFarmworker Nutrition Education Resource Guide.
Quelle(1993), (123 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext kostenfreie Datei Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterNachschlagewerk; Bibliografie; Agricultural Laborers; Family Health; Farm Labor; Health Education; Health Materials; Health Promotion; Migrant Education; Migrant Programs; Migrants; Nutrition; Nutrition Instruction; Physical Health; Resource Materials
AbstractThis guide describes publications and other resources suitable for use in a nutrition-related health education program for migrant farmworkers and their families. Materials were selected to serve farmworker populations with low literacy levels or limited knowledge of English. Included are pamphlets, manuals, videos, fact sheets, and booklets produced by: migrant health centers; migrant Head Start programs; farmworker employment and training programs; cooperative extension offices; and federal, state, and private agencies. Each entry includes title and date; publisher and address; format; language (English, Spanish, Creole, Vietnamese, Chinese, Portuguese, Cambodian, Laotian, Hmong, Thai, and Filipino); target audience; price; distributor address and telephone number; and a summary. Materials are listed by the following subjects: (1) general nutrition, (2) pregnancy, (3) breastfeeding, (4) infant feeding, (5) feeding the young child, (6) cardiovascular-related issues, (7) food preparation and storage, (8) dental care, (9) diabetes, (10) cancer, (11) weight management, (12) alcohol and drugs, and (13) miscellaneous. A directory lists organizations in each state that can be contacted for additional information. Also included are two indexes that list materials by publisher and by language. (LP)
AnmerkungenAssociation of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, 1925 North Lynn Street, Suite 701, Arlington, VA 22209 (free).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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